This website is for Vega-Lite v1. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.


Scales are functions that transform a domain of data values (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to a range of visual values (pixels, colors, sizes).

Vega-Lite automatically creates scales for fields that are mapped to mark properties. Supported scale types are quantitative, time, and ordinal. Default scale properties are determined based on a set of rules for each scale type, but scale property of the channel definition can be provided to customize the scale’s properties.

  "data": ... ,
  "mark": ... ,
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": ...,
      "type": ...,
      "scale": {                // scale
        "type": ...
    "y": ...,

The rest of this page describes properties of a scale and their default behavior.

Scale Type

Vega-Lite supports the following scale types:

Quantitative Scale
A quantitative scales takes continuous, quantitative data as its input domain. There are multiple types of quantitative scales. linear, power, and log scales output continuous ranges. Meanwhile quantize and quantile scales output discrete ranges.
  • linear scale expresses each range value y as a linear function of the domain value x: y = mx + b. This is the default scale for a quantitative field (field with type = "quantitative").
  • pow scale expresses each range value y as a power (exponential) function of the domain value x: y = mx^k + b, where k is the exponent value. (k can be customized using exponent property.)
  • log scale expresses each range value y as a logarithmic function of the domain value x: y = mlog(x) + b. As log(0) = -∞, a log scale domain must be strictly-positive or strictly-negative; the domain must not include or cross zero. Vega-Lite automatically filters zero values from the field mapped to a log scale.
  • quantize scale maps continuous value to a discrete range by dividing the domain into uniform segments based on the number of values in (i.e., the cardinality of) the output range. Each range value y can be expressed as a quantized linear function of the domain value x: y = m round(x) + b.
  • quantile scale maps a sampled input domain to a discrete range by sorting the domain and compute the quantiles. The cardinality of the output range determines the number of quantiles that will be computed.
Time Scale
A time scale is similar to a linear quantitative scale but takes date as input. In general, a temporal field has time scale by default. The exceptions are temporal fields with hours, day, date, month as time unit; they have ordinal scales by default.
Ordinal Scale
An ordinal scale (ordinal) takes discrete domain as their input domain. Ordinal (ordered) and nominal (unordered/categorical) data always use ordinal scale.
  • An ordinal color scale with nominal data outputs categorical color palette while an ordinal color scale with ordinal data outputs sequential color ramp. (See example.)
  • An ordinal shape scale always produces a categorical range since shape cannot convey order.
  • Ordinal scales for other channels (x, y, size) always output sequential range. The default order for nominal data is determined by Javascript’s natural order. For example, "a" < "b".
Property Type Description
type String The type of scale.
• For a quantitative field, supported quantitative scale types are "linear" (default), "log", "pow", "sqrt", "quantile", "quantize", and "threshold".
• For a temporal field without timeUnit, the scale type should be time (default) or ordinal.
• For ordinal and nominal fields, the type is always ordinal.
Unsupported values will be ignored.

Note: For more information about scale types, please see d3 scale documentation.

Example: Log Scale

The following example has a logarithmic y-scale.

Scale Domain

By default, a scale draws domain values directly from the channel field. Custom domain values can be specified via the scale’s domain property.

Property Type Description
domain Array Custom domain values.
• For quantitative data, this can take the form of a two-element array with minimum and maximum values.
• For temporal data, this can, this can be a two-element array with minimum and maximum values in the form of either timestamp numbers or the DateTime definition object.
• For ordinal or nominal data, this is an array representing all values and their orders.

Note: To sort the order mapping between the domain values and range, please use the channel definition’s sort property.

Scale Range

The range of the scale represents the set of output visual values. Vega-Lite automatically determines appropriate range based on the scale’s channel and type, but range property can be provided to customize range values.

x and y Scales
For continuous x and y scales (quantitative and time), the range are always [0, cellWidth] and [0, cellHeight] (See config.cell for customizing cell width and height). For ordinal x and y scales, the maximum range is a product of the field’s cardinality and bandSize. Not Customizable: specified range will be ignored.
Nominal color Scales
A color scale of a nominal field has a categorical color palette as its range. Customized categorical color range can be either a string literal for a palette name or an array of desired output values. Default value: derived from scale config’s nominalColorRange ("category10" by default).
Sequential color Scales
A color scale for ordinal, temporal, and quantitative fields have a sequential color ramp as its range. Currently, Vega-Lite only supports color ramp that interpolate between two color values. Customized sequential color range takes a two-element array of color values for interpolation. Default value: derived from scale config’s sequentialColorRange (green ramp between ["#AFC6A3", "#09622A"] by default).
shape Scales
A shape scale has a list of shape type names as its range. A customized shape range is an array of supported shapes. Default value: derived from scale config’s shapeRange This is, by default, the "shape" palette, which is equivalent to["circle", "cross", "diamond", "square", "triangle-down", "triangle-up"].
size Scales
A size scale has a sequential range. Customized size range can be either a two-element array of size values for the interpolation or (for ordinal size scale only) an array of desired output size for each domain value. Default value:
• for bar: derived from scale config’s barSizeRange. If both scale’s range and the scale config’s barSizeRange are unspecified (default), the default size range is a range from mark config’s thinBarWidth to the scale’s bandSize.
• for point, square, and circle: derived from scale config’s pointSizeRange. If both scale’s range and the scale config’s pointSizeRange are unspecified (default), the default size range is a range from 9 to the square of the scale’s bandSize (bandSize^2).
• for text: derived from scale config’s fontSizeRange ([8, 40] by default).
• for tick: derived from scale config’s tickSizeRange ([1, 20] by default).
Property Type Description
range Array | String Customized scale range.

Built-in Color Palettes

The following built-in palettes can be used as a customized categorical color range value.

Name Description
"category10" Set the scale range to a 10-color categorical palette:

1f77b4 #1f77b4 ff7f0e #ff7f0e 2ca02c #2ca02c d62728 #d62728 9467bd #9467bd
8c564b #8c564b e377c2 #e377c2 7f7f7f #7f7f7f bcbd22 #bcbd22 17becf #17becf
"category20" Set the scale range to a 20-color categorical palette:

1f77b4 #1f77b4 aec7e8 #aec7e8 ff7f0e #ff7f0e ffbb78 #ffbb78 2ca02c #2ca02c
98df8a #98df8a d62728 #d62728 ff9896 #ff9896 9467bd #9467bd c5b0d5 #c5b0d5
8c564b #8c564b c49c94 #c49c94 e377c2 #e377c2 f7b6d2 #f7b6d2 7f7f7f #7f7f7f
c7c7c7 #c7c7c7 bcbd22 #bcbd22 dbdb8d #dbdb8d 17becf #17becf 9edae5 #9edae5
"category20b" Set the scale range to a 20-color categorical palette:

393b79 #393b79 5254a3 #5254a3 6b6ecf #6b6ecf 9c9ede #9c9ede 637939 #637939
8ca252 #8ca252 b5cf6b #b5cf6b cedb9c #cedb9c 8c6d31 #8c6d31 bd9e39 #bd9e39
e7ba52 #e7ba52 e7cb94 #e7cb94 843c39 #843c39 ad494a #ad494a d6616b #d6616b
e7969c #e7969c 7b4173 #7b4173 a55194 #a55194 ce6dbd #ce6dbd de9ed6 #de9ed6
"category20c" Set the scale range to a 20-color categorical palette:

3182bd #3182bd 6baed6 #6baed6 9ecae1 #9ecae1 c6dbef #c6dbef e6550d #e6550d
fd8d3c #fd8d3c fdae6b #fdae6b fdd0a2 #fdd0a2 31a354 #31a354 74c476 #74c476
a1d99b #a1d99b c7e9c0 #c7e9c0 756bb1 #756bb1 9e9ac8 #9e9ac8 bcbddc #bcbddc
dadaeb #dadaeb 636363 #636363 969696 #969696 bdbdbd #bdbdbd d9d9d9 #d9d9d9

Example: Default Color Ranges based on Data Types

A color scale of a nominal field outputs a categorical color palette.

Meanwhile, a color scale an ordinal field and a quantitative field outputs a sequential color ramp.

Example: Custom Color Range

We can customize the color range of the scatterplot above by providing scale’s range property. For a nominal color field, range can be an array describing the desired palette.

For ordinal, quantitative, and time fields, range can be a two-element array describing the two colors for interpolation.

Piecewise Scale Example: Diverging Color Scale

We can also create diverging color graph by specify range with multiple elements. Number of elements of range should match with the number of elements in domain. Though continuous scale normally contains 2 elements in both domain and range, having 3 or more elements will create a piecewise scale. For more detail about a piecewise scale, please refer to D3 documentation.

Other Scale Properties

General Scale Properties

Property Type Description
round Boolean If true, rounds numeric output values to integers. This can be helpful for snapping to the pixel grid (only available for x, y, size, row, and column scales). Default value: derived from scale config (true by default).

Quantitative Scale Properties

Property Type Description
clamp Boolean If true, values that exceed the data domain are clamped to either the minimum or maximum range value. Default value: derived from scale config (true by default)
Supported types: only linear, pow, sqrt, and log
exponent Number Sets the exponent of the scale transformation. (For pow scale types only, otherwise ignored.)
nice Boolean If true, modifies the scale domain to use a more human-friendly number range (e.g., 7 instead of 6.96). Default value: true only for quantitative x and y scales and false otherwise.
zero Boolean If true, ensures that a zero baseline value is included in the scale domain. Default value: true for x and y channel if the quantitative field is not binned and no custom domain is provided; false otherwise.Note: This property is always false for log scale.
useRawDomain Boolean If true, set scale domain to the raw data domain. If false, use the aggregated data domain for scale. Default value: false
Only valid for certain aggregations: This property only works with aggregate functions that produce values within the raw data domain ("mean", "average", "stdev", "stdevp", "median", "q1", "q3", "min", "max"). For other aggregations that produce values outside of the raw data domain (e.g. "count", "sum"), this property is ignored.
Note: This property is ignored when the scale’s domain is specified.

Time Scale Properties

Property Type Description
clamp Boolean If true, values that exceed the data domain are clamped to either the minimum or maximum range value. (Not applicable for quantile, quantize, and threshold scales as they output discrete ranges.)
nice String If specified, modifies the scale domain to use a more human-friendly value range. For time and utc scale types only, the nice value should be a string indicating the desired time interval; legal values are "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", or "year".

Ordinal Scale Properties

Property Type Description
bandSize Integer | String Width for each x or y ordinal band. This can be an integer value or a string "fit". For "fit", the band size will be automatically adjusted to fit the scale for the specified width (for x-axis) or height (for y-axis). Default value: for x ordinal scale of a text mark, derived from scale config’s textBandWidth; otherwise, derived from scale config’s bandSize. Warning:
1) Numeric bandSize will be applied only if the top-level width (for x-scale) or height (for y-scale) is not specified. If width (for x-scale) or height (for y-scale) is specified, bandWidth will always be "fit".
2) If the cardinality of the scale domain is too high, the bandSize might become less than one pixel and the mark might not appear correctly.
padding Number • For x and y channels, the padding is a multiple of the spacing between points. A reasonable value is 1.0, such that the first and last point will be offset from the minimum and maximum value by half the distance between points. (See D3’s ordinalRangePoints() for illustration.)    • Default value: derived from scale config’s padding
• For row and column, padding is a pixel value for padding between cells in the trellis plots.    •Default value: derived from facet scale config’s padding.

Example: Custom Band Width

Given a bar chart:

We can make the band for each bar smaller by providing scale’s bandSize.

For more information about adjusting size of a visualization, please see this page.