This website is for Vega-Lite v1. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.


  "data": ... ,
  "mark": ... ,
  "encoding": ... ,
  "config": {          // Configuration Object
    ...               // - Top-level Configuration
    "cell": { ... },   // - Cell Configuration
    "mark": { ... },   // - Mark Configuration
    "scale": { ... },  // - Scale Configuration
    "axis": { ... },   // - Axis Configuration
    "legend": { ... }, // - Legend Configuration
    "facet": { ... }   // - Facet Configuration

Vega-Lite’s config object lists configuration properties of a visualization. This page outlines different types of config properties:

Top-level Configuration (config.*)

A Vega-Lite config object can have the following top-level properties:

Property Type Description
viewport Integer[] The width and height of the on-screen viewport, in pixels. If necessary, clipping and scrolling will be applied. Default value: (none)
background String CSS color property to use as background of visualization. Default value: (none)
countTitle String The default title for count field ({field:'*', aggregate:'count', type: 'QUANTITATIVE'}). Default value: 'Number of Records'.
numberFormat String The default number format pattern for text and labels of axes and legends (in the form of D3 number format pattern). Default value: "s" (except for text marks that encode a count field, the default value is "d").
timeFormat String The default time format pattern for temporal field without time unit in the text mark and labels of axes and legends (in the form of D3 time format pattern). Default value: '%b %d, %Y'.

Cell Configuration (config.cell.*)

At its core, a Vega-Lite specification describes a single plot. When a facet channel is added, the visualization is faceted into a trellis plot, which contains multiple plots. Each plot in either a single plot or a trellis plot is called a cell. Cell configuration allows us to customize each individual single plot and each plot in a trellis plot.

Cell Size Configuration

width and height property of the cell configuration determine the width of a visualization with a continuous x-scale and the height of a visualization with a continuous y-scale respectively.

Property Type Description
width Integer The default width of the single plot or each plot in a trellis plot when the visualization has a continuous (non-ordinal) x-scale or ordinal x-scale with bandSize = "fit". Default value: 200
height Integer The default height of the single plot or each plot in a trellis plot when the visualization has a continuous (non-ordinal) y-scale with bandSize = "fit". Default value: 200

For more information about visualization’s size, please see Customizing Size page.

Cell Style Configuration

Property Type Description
clip boolean Whether the view should be clipped.
fill Color The fill color. Default value: (none)
fillOpacity Number The fill opacity (value between [0,1]). Default value: (none)
stroke Color The stroke color. Default value: (none)
strokeOpacity Number The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]). Default value: (none)
strokeWidth Number The stroke width, in pixels. Default value: (none)
strokeDash Number[] An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines. Default value: (none)
strokeDashOffset Number The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array. Default value: (none)

Mark Configuration (config.mark.*)

mark property of the config is a mark config object, which sets the default properties of the visualization’s marks. Some of these properties will be overridden by data mapped to mark properties channels.

A mark config object can have the following properties:


Property Type Description
filled Boolean Whether the shape's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color. See mark for a usage example. Default value: true for all marks except point and false for point.Applicable for: bar, point, circle, square, and area marks.
color color The color of the mark – either fill or stroke color based on the filled mark config. Default value: blue (""#4682b4")
fill Color The fill color. This config will be overridden by color channel’s specified or mapped values if filled is true. Default value: (None)
stroke Color The stroke color. This config will be overridden by color channel’s specified or mapped values if filled is false. Default value: (None)
Example: filled Points

By default, point marks have filled borders and are transparent inside. Setting config.mark.filled to true creates filled marks instead.


Property Type Description
opacity Number The overall opacity (value between [0,1]). Default value: 0.7 for non-aggregate plots with point, tick, circle, or square marks or layered bar charts and 1 otherwise.
fillOpacity Number The fill opacity (value between [0,1]). Default value: 1
strokeOpacity Number The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]). Default value: 1

Stroke Style

Property Type Description
strokeWidth Number The stroke width, in pixels.
strokeDash Number[] An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
strokeDashOffset Number The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.

Stacking (for Bar and Area)

Property Type Description
stacked string Modes for stacking marks.
zero - stacking with baseline offset at zero value of the scale (for creating typical stacked bar and area chart).
normalize - stacking with normalized domain (for creating normalized stacked bar and area chart).
center - stacking with center baseline (for streamgraph).
none - No-stacking. This will produce layered bar and area chart. Default value: zero for plots with all of the following conditions: (1) bar or area marks (2) color, opacity, size, or detail channel mapped to a group-by field (3) One ordinal or nominal axis, and (4) one quantitative axis with linear scale and summative aggregation function (e.g., sum, count).

Interpolation (for Line and Area Marks)

Property Type Description
interpolate String The line interpolation method to use. One of "linear", "step-before", "step-after", "basis", "basis-open", "basis-closed", "bundle", "cardinal", "cardinal-open", "cardinal-closed", "monotone". For more information about each interpolation method, please see D3’s line interpolation.
tension Number Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter. (See D3’s line interpolation.)

Example: interpolate with monotone

Example: interpolate with line-step (Step-Chart)

Orientation (for Bar, Tick, Line, and Area Marks)

Property Type Description
orient String The orientation of a non-stacked bar, area, and line charts. The value is either "horizontal", or "vertical" (default). For bar and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick should be applied to x or y dimension. For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output. For line, this property determines the path order of the points in the line if path channel is not specified. For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack; therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.

Bar Config

Property Type Description
barSize Number The size of the bars (width for vertical bar charts and height for horizontal bar chart). Default value: bandSize-1 if the bar’s x or y axis is an ordinal scale. (This provides 1 pixel offset between bars.) and 2 for if both x and y scales have linear scales.

Point Config

Property Type Description
shape Number The symbol shape to use. One of "circle", "square", "cross", "diamond", "triangle-up", or "triangle-down", or else a custom SVG path string.Default value: "circle"

Point Size Config (for Point, Circle, and Square Marks)

Property Type Description
size Number The pixel area each the point. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by the square root of the size value.Default value: 30

Tick Config

Property Type Description
tickSize Number The size of the ticks (height of the ticks for horizontal dot plots and strip plots and width of the ticks for vertical dot plots and strip plots). Default value: 2/3*bandSize (This will provide offset between band equals to the width of the tick.)
tickThickness Number Thickness of the tick mark. Default value: 1

Example Customizing Tick’s Size and Thickness

Text Config

Text Position

Property Type Description
angle Number The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
align String The horizontal alignment of the text. One of left, right, center.
baseline String The vertical alignment of the text. One of top, middle, bottom.
dx Number The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The offset is applied after rotation by the angle property.
dy Number The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The offset is applied after rotation by the angle property.
radius Number Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin determined by the x and y properties.
theta Number Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by the x and y properties. Values for theta follow the same convention of arc mark startAngle and endAngle properties: angles are measured in radians, with 0 indicating “north”.

Font Style

Property Type Description
font String The typeface to set the text in (e.g., Helvetica Neue).
fontSize Number The font size, in pixels. The default value is 10.
fontStyle String The font style (e.g., italic).
fontWeight String The font weight (e.g., bold).

Text Value and Format

Property Type Description
text String Placeholder text if the text channel is not specified ("Abc" by default).
format String The formatting pattern for text value. If not defined, this will be determined automatically
shortTimeLabels Boolean Whether year, month names, and weekday names should be abbreviated. Default Behavior: Only month is shortened by default.

Scale Configuration (config.scale.*)

Scale configuration determines default properties for all scales except for row and column (which are determined by facet scale configuration instead).

See Code: For a full list of scale configuration and their default values, please see the ScaleConfig interface and defaultScaleConfig in scale.ts.

Axis Configuration (config.axis.*)

Axis configuration determines default properties for x and y axes. (For row and column axes, see facet axis configuration).

See Code: For a full list of axis configuration and their default values, please see the AxisConfig interface and defaultAxisConfig in axis.ts.

Legend Configuration (config.legend.*)

Legend configuration determines default properties for legends.

See Code: For a full list of legend configuration and their default values, please see the LegendConfig interface and defaultLegendConfig in legend.ts.

Facet Configuration (config.facet.*)

Cell Configuration (config.facet.cell.*)

Facet cell configuration overrides cell config for faceted (trellis) plots. Please see cell config for each property name and default values.

Facet Grid Configuration (config.facet.grid.*)

Property Type Description
color Color Color of the grid between facets.
opacity Number Opacity of the grid between facets.
offset Number Offset for grid between facets.

Facet Scale Configuration (config.facet.scale.*)

Facet scale configuration determines default properties for row and column scales. See Code: For a full list of scale configuration and their default values, please see the FacetScaleConfig interface and defaultFacetScaleConfig in scale.ts.

Facet Axis Configuration (config.facet.axis.*)

Facet axis configuration determines default properties for row and column axes. See Code: For a full list of facet axis configuration and their default values, please see the AxisConfig interface and defaultFacetAxisConfig in axis.ts.