This website is for Vega-Lite v1. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.


  "data": ... ,
  "mark": ... ,
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "aggregate": ...,               // aggregate
      "field": ...,
      "type": "quantitative",
    "y": ...,

aggregate property of the channel definition can be used to compute aggregate summary statistics (e.g., median, min, max) over groups of data.

If at least one fields in the specified encoding channels contain aggregate, the resulting visualization will show aggregate data. In this case, all fields without aggregation function specified are treated as group-by fields1 in the aggregation process. Additional summary and group-by fields can be specified using the detail channel.

Otherwise, if none of the specified encoding channel contains aggregate, the resulting visualization shows raw data without aggregation.

1The group-by fields are also known as independent/condition variables in statistics and dimensions in Business Intelligence. Similarly, the aggregate fields are known as dependent variables and measures.

Supported Aggregation Operations

The supported aggregation operations are:

Operation Description
count Count the total number of elements in the group. Note: ‘count’ operates directly on the input objects and return the same value regardless of the provided field. Similar to SQL’s count(*), count can be specified with a field "*".
valid Count values that are not null, undefined or NaN.
missing Count the number of null or undefined values.
distinct Count the number distinct values.
sum Compute the sum of values in a group.
mean Compute the mean (average) of values in a group.
average Compute the mean (average) of values in a group. Identical to mean.
variance Compute the sample variance of values in a group.
variancep Compute the population variance of values in a group.
stdev Compute the sample standard deviation of values in a group.
stdevp Compute the population standard deviation of values in a group.
median Compute the median of values in a group.
q1 Compute the lower quartile boundary of values in a group.
q3 Compute the upper quartile boundary of values in a group.
modeskew Compute the mode skewness of values in a group.
min Compute the minimum value in a group.
max Compute the maximum value in a group.


The following bar chart aggregate mean of Acceleration, grouped by Cylinders (number of cylinders).