This website is for Vega-Lite v1. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.


Axes provide axis lines, ticks and labels to convey how a spatial range represents a data range. Simply put, axes visualize scales.

By default, Vega-Lite automatically creates axes for x, y, row, and column channels when they are encoded. Axis can be customized via the axis property of a channel definition.

  "data": ... ,
  "mark": ... ,
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "field": ...,
      "type": ...,
      "axis": {                // Axis
    "y": ...,

Customizing Axis

The field’s axis can be removed by setting axis to false. If axis is true, default axis properties are applied.

Axis properties can be customized by setting axis to an axis property object. The axis property object supports the following properties:


Property Type Description
axisColor Color Color of axis line. Default value: (none, using Vega default).
axisWidth Number Width of the axis line. Default value: (none, using Vega default).
layer String A string indicating if the axis (and any gridlines) should be placed above or below the data marks. One of "front" or "back". Default value: derived from axis config’s layer. If the layer config is undefined, the default is "back" if grid is true and "front" otherwise.
offset Number The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the edge of the enclosing group or data rectangle. Default value: derived from axis config’s offset (0 by default)
orient String The orientation of the axis. One of top or bottom for y and row channels, and left or right for x and column channels. Default value: x axis is placed on the bottom, y axis is placed on the left, column”s x-axis is placed on the top, row”s y-axis is placed on the right.


Property Type Description
grid Boolean A flag indicate if gridlines should be created in addition to ticks. Default value: true for (1) quantitative fields that are not binned and (2) time fields; otherwise, false.
gridColor String Color of gridlines.
gridDash Number[] The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the grid dash array.
gridOpacity Number The stroke opacity of grid (value between [0,1]). Default value: (1 by default)
gridWidth Number The grid width, in pixels.


Property Type Description
labels Boolean Enable or disable labels Default value: derived from axis config’s labels (true by default).
format String The formatting pattern for axis labels. This is D3’s number format pattern for quantitative axis and D3’s time format pattern for time axis. Default value: derived from numberFormat config for quantitative axis and from timeFormat config for time axis.
labelAngle Number Rotation angle for axis labels. Default value: -45 for time or ordinal axis and 0 otherwise.
labelMaxLength Integer Max length for axis labels. Longer labels are truncated. Default value: derived from axis config’s labelMaxLength (25 by default).
shortTimeLabels Boolean Whether month and day names should be abbreviated. Default value: derived from axis config’s shortTimeLabels (false by default).


Property Type Description
subdivide Number If provided, sets the number of minor ticks between major ticks (the value 9 results in decimal subdivision). Only applicable for axes visualizing quantitative scales.
ticks Number A desired number of ticks, for axes visualizing quantitative scales. The resulting number may be different so that values are “nice” (multiples of 2, 5, 10) and lie within the underlying scale’s range. Default value: derived from axis config’s ticks. If the ticks config is undefined (default), ticks is 5 for x-scale without binning, and 10 otherwise.
tickColor String The color of the axis’s tick.
tickLabelColor String The color of the tick label.
tickLabelFont String The font of tick label (e.g., Helvetica Neue).
tickLabelFontSize Number The font size of label, in pixels. Default value: 10.
tickPadding Number The padding, in pixels, between ticks and text labels.
tickSize Number The size, in pixels, of major, minor and end ticks. Default value: derived from axis config’s tickSize (6 by default).
tickSizeMajor Number The size, in pixels, of major ticks.
tickSizeMinor Number The size, in pixels, of minor ticks.
tickSizeEnd Number The size, in pixels, of end ticks.
tickWidth Number The width, in pixels, of ticks.
values Number[] | DateTime[] Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.


Property Type Description
title String A title for the axis. Default value: derived from the field’s name and transformation function applied e.g, “field_name”, “SUM(field_name)”, “BIN(field_name)”, “YEAR(field_name)”.
titleColor String The color of the title.
titleFont String The font of title (e.g., Helvetica Neue).
titleFontWeight Number The font weight of title (e.g., bold).
titleFontSize Number The font size of title, in pixels. Default value: 10.
titleOffset Number The offset (in pixels) from the axis at which to place the title.
titleMaxLength Integer Max length for axis title when the title is automatically generated from the field's description. Default value: automatically determined based on the cell size (config.cell.width, config.cell.height) and characterWidth property.
characterWidth Integer Character width for automatically determining the value of titleMaxLength. Default value: derived from axis config’s characterWidth (6 by default).