Pack Transform

The pack transform computes an enclosure diagram that uses containment (nesting) to represent a hierarchy. The size of the leaf circles encodes a quantitative dimension of the data. The enclosing circles show the approximate cumulative size of each subtree, but due to wasted space there is some distortion; only the leaf nodes can be compared accurately.

Internally, this transform processes a collection of special tree node objects generated by an upstream nest or stratify transform. The original input data object can be accessed under the data field of these tree node objects. This transform uses the d3-hierarchy library.


Transform Parameters

Property Type Description
field Field The data field corresponding to a numeric value for the node. The sum of values for a node and all its descendants is available on the node object as the value property. If unspecified, the layout will instead tally the counts of leaf nodes. If radius is null, this field determines the node size.
sort Compare A comparator for sorting sibling nodes. The inputs to the comparator are tree node objects, not input data objects.
size Number[ ] The size of the layout, provided as a [width, height] array.
radius Field An explicit node radius to use. If null (the default), the radius of each leaf circle is derived from the field value.
padding Number The approximate padding to include between packed circles (default 0).
as String[ ] The output fields at which to write the layout results. The default is ["x", "y", "r", "depth", "children"], where x and y are the layout coordinates, r is the node radius, depth is the tree depth, and children is the count of a node’s children in the tree.


  "type": "pack",
  "field": "value",
  "padding": 4,
  "size": [{"signal": "width"}, {"signal": "height"}]

Computes a pack layout with 4 pixel padding between nodes, using the full width and height of the view. Leaf nodes are sized proportionally to the value field.