LinkPath Transform

The linkpath transform is used to route a visual link between two nodes. The most common use case is to draw edges in a tree or network layout. By default links are simply straight lines between source and target nodes; however, with additional shape and orientation information, a variety of link paths can be expressed. This transform writes one property to each datum, providing an SVG path string for the link path.


Transform Parameters

Property Type Description
sourceX Field The data field for the source x-coordinate. The default is source.x.
sourceY Field The data field for the source y-coordinate. The default is source.y.
targetX Field The data field for the target x-coordinate. The default is target.x.
targetY Field The data field for the target y-coordinate. The default is target.y.
orient String The orientation of the link path. One of vertical (default), horizontal or radial. If a radial orientation is specified, x and y coordinate parameters will instead be interpreted as an angle (in radians) and radius, respectively.
shape String The shape of the link path. One of line (default), arc, curve, diagonal, or orthogonal.
require Signal ≥ 4.3 A required signal that this transform depends on. This parameter is needed if source or target coordinate values are set as a non-propagating side-effect of a transform in a different data stream (such as a force transform). In such cases the upstream transform should be bound to a signal and required by the linkpath transform.
as String The output field for the link path. The default is "path".


{"type": "linkpath"}

Computes straight-line link paths using the default source and target coordinate fields. Writes the result to the path field.

  "type": "linkpath",
  "orient": "radial",
  "sourceX": "source.angle",
  "sourceY": "source.radius",
  "targetX": "target.angle",
  "targetY": "target.radius",
  "shape": "orthogonal",
  "as": "linkpath"

Computes link paths in polar coordinates ("orient": "radial") using the provided source and target coordinate fields. Link paths are routed along orthogonal lines, as in a cluster plot or dendrogram. Writes the result to the linkpath field.