
Signals are dynamic variables that parameterize a visualization and can drive interactive behaviors. Signals can be used throughout a Vega specification, for example to define a mark property or data transform parameter.

Signal values are reactive: they can update in response to input event streams, external API calls, or changes to upstream signals. Event streams capture and sequence input events, such as mousedown or touchmove. When an event occurs, signals with associated event handlers are re-evaluated in their specification order. Updated signal values then propagate to the rest of the specification, and the visualization is re-rendered automatically.

A signal definition, and its use in the rest of a specification, looks something like this:

  "signals": [
      "name": "indexDate",
      "description": "A date value that updates in response to mousemove.",
      "update": "datetime(2005, 0, 1)",
      "on": [{"events": "mousemove", "update": "invert('xscale', x())"}]
  "data": [
    { "name": "stocks", ... },
      "name": "index",
      "source": "stocks",
      "transform": [
          "type": "filter",
          "expr": "month( === month(indexDate)"
  "scales": [
    { "name": "x", "type": "time", ... }
  "marks": [
      "type": "rule",
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "x": {"scale": "x", "signal": "indexDate"}

Signal Properties

Signal definitions may use the following properties.

Property Type Description
name String Required. A unique name for the signal. Signal names should be valid JavaScript identifiers: they should contain only alphanumeric characters (or “$”, or “_”) and may not start with a digit. Reserved keywords that may not be used as signal names are "datum", "event", "item", and "parent".
bind Bind Binds the signal to an external input element such as a slider, selection list or radio button group.
description String A text description of the signal, useful for inline documentation.
on Handler[ ] An array of event stream handlers for updating the signal value in response to input events.
init Expression ≥ 4.4 An initialization expression for the value of the signal. This expression will be invoked once and only once. The init and update parameters are mutually exclusive and can not be used together.
update Expression An update expression for the value of the signal. This expression may include other signals, in which case the signal will automatically update in response to upstream signal changes, so long as the react property is not false. The init and update parameters are mutually exclusive and can not be used together.
react Boolean A boolean flag (default true) indicating if the update expression should be automatically re-evaluated when any upstream signal dependencies update. If false, the update expression will not register any dependencies on other signals, even for initialization.
value Any The initial value of the signal (default undefined). This value is assigned prior to evaluating either the init or update expression.

Built-in signals

A few signal names are automatically processed and/or reserved:

  • Signals for the specification width, height, padding, autosize, and (for version ≥ 5.10) background properties are automatically defined. Specifications may include definitions for these signals in the top-level signals array, in which case the definitions will be merged with any top-level specification property values, with precedence given to properties defined in the signals array.
  • Group mark instances automatically include a parent signal bound to the data object for that group. Specifications may not define a signal named parent.
  • The signal names datum, item, and event are reserved for top-level variables within expressions. Specifications may not define signals named datum, item or event.
  • If you define a signal named cursor, its value will automatically drive the CSS mouse cursor for the Vega view. For more, see the cursor signal documentation below.

The cursor Signal

By default, Vega will style the mouse pointer when it is over a mark with a defined cursor property. However, in some interactive use cases, the cursor style should persist for the entire duration of an interaction (e.g., while dragging, regardless if the cursor remains over the item where the drag initiated). For more control, Vega provides a dedicated cursor signal. When the value of this signal is set, Vega uses it in lieu of any cursor properties set on marks. If the value is set to "default", Vega resumes using the mark-based cursor property.

Nested Signals

Signals can be defined either in the top-level scope of a specification or within a group mark definition. If a signal is defined within a nested group, it is accessible only within the scope of that group; any marks, axes, legends, etc. that reference the signal must be contained within the group. If a nested signal has the same name as a signal defined in an outer scope, the new signal will override the previously defined signal.

In addition to new signal definitions, nested group marks may contain signal updates that target a signal defined in an outer scope. The "push": "outer" property indicates that, rather than create a new signal, updates should explicitly target an existing signal. Nested signal updates may not include value or update properties. The supported properties for signal updates are:

Property Type Description
name String Required. The name of the signal to update.
push String Required. To indicate an update to a signal defined in an outer scope, the push property must be set to "outer".
description String A text description of the signal, useful for documentation.
on Handler[ ] An array of event stream handlers for updating the signal value in response to input events.

Event Handlers

An event handler object includes an event stream definition indicating which events to respond to, and either an update expression for setting a new signal value, or an encode set for updating the mark being interacted with.

Property Type Description
events EventStream Required. The events to respond to.
update Expression An expression that is evaluated when events occur, the result then becomes the new signal value. This property is required if encode is not specified.
encode String The name of a mark property encoding set to re-evaluate for the mark item that was the source of the input event. This property is required if update is not specified.
force Boolean A boolean flag (default false) indicating whether or not updates that do not change the signal value should propagate. For example, if set to true and an input stream update sets the signal to its current value, downstream signals will still be notified of an update.

This signal definition increments its value upon mouseover of rect items:

  "name": "count",
  "value": 0,
  "on": [
    {"events": "rect:mouseover", "update": "count + 1"}

This signal definition invokes a custom encoding set upon mousedown and mouseup on mark items. The mark definition must include properties named "select" and "release" under the mark "encode" property.

  "name": "clickEncode",
  "on": [
    {"events": "*:mousedown", "encode": "select"},
    {"events": "*:mouseup", "encode": "release"}

Input Element Binding

The bind property binds a signal to an input element defined outside of the visualization. Vega will generate new HTML form elements and set up a two-way binding: changes to the input element will update the signal, and vice versa. Vega includes dedicated support for checkbox (single boolean value), radio (group of radio buttons), select (drop-down menu), and range (slider) input types. Alternatively, Vega can also bind directly to externally-defined input elements.

Property Type Description
input String Required. The type of input element to use. The valid values are checkbox, radio, range, select, and any other legal HTML form input type.
element String An optional CSS selector string indicating the parent element to which the input element should be added. By default, all input elements are added within the parent container of the Vega view.
name String By default, the signal name is used to label input elements. This name property can be used to specify a custom label instead for the bound signal.
debounce Number If defined, delays event handling until the specified milliseconds have elapsed since the last event was fired.

Radio and Select Input Properties

Property Type Description
options Array Required. An array of options to select from.
labels String[ ] ≥ 5.9 An array of label strings to represent the options values. If unspecified, the options value will be coerced to a string and used as the label.
name String By default, the signal name is used to label input elements. This name property can be used to specify a custom label instead for the bound signal.
debounce Number If defined, delays event handling until the specified milliseconds have elapsed since the last event was fired.

Range Input Properties

Property Type Description
max Number For range inputs, sets the maximum slider value. Defaults to the larger of the signal value and 100.
min Number For range inputs, sets the minimum slider value. Defaults to the smaller of the signal value and 0.
step Number For range inputs, sets the minimum slider increment. If undefined, the step size will be automatically determined based on the min and max values.
name String By default, the signal name is used to label input elements. This name property can be used to specify a custom label instead for the bound signal.
debounce Number If defined, delays event handling until the specified milliseconds have elapsed since the last event was fired.

Other Input Types

In addition, any valid HTML input type may be used as the value of the input property. Examples include "text" (for single-line text entry), "color" (for a color picker), and "date" (for entering year, month and day). In these cases, any extra properties defined (e.g., placeholder for "text" input) will be added as attributes of the generated HTML form element.

Binding Directly to External Elements

Rather than generate its own input elements, Vega also supports binding directly to an existing element defined externally. To do so, the input property must be undefined, and the element property must reference an existing, externally defined element.

Property Type Description
element String Required. An input element that exposes a value property and supports the EventTarget interface, or a CSS selector string to such an element. When the element updates and dispatches an event, the value property will be used as the new, bound signal value. When the signal updates independent of the element, the value property will be set to the signal value and a new event will be dispatched on the element.
event String The event (default "input") to listen for to track changes on the external element.
debounce Number If defined, delays event handling until the specified milliseconds have elapsed since the last event was fired.