A config object defines default visual values to set a visualization’s theme.
The Vega parser accepts a JSON configuration file that defines default settings for a variety of visual encoding choices. Different configuration files can be used to “theme” charts with a customized look and feel. A configuration file is simply a JSON object with a set of named properties, grouped by type. To provide a configuration file at parse-time, simply pass an additional parameter to the parse method:
var runtime = vega.parse(spec, config);
In addition, Vega JSON specifications may contain a single, top-level config
property to override any configuration settings. Any configuration provided within the specification itself will take precedence over external configurations passed to the parser.
For example, this Vega spec includes light-gray axis grid lines by default:
"width": 500,
"height": 200,
"config": {
"axis": {
"grid": true,
"gridColor": "#dedede"
Config Reference
- View Properties
- Event Properties
- Mark Properties
- Style Properties
- Axis Properties
- Legend Properties
- Title Properties
- Projection Properties
- Scale Range Properties
- Signals
View Properties
Properties defined in the top-level scope of the configuration object.
Property | Type | Description |
autosize | String | Object | Signal | Default automatic sizing setting. Valid string values are "pad" , "fit" or "none" . See the autosize documentation for more. Signal support available in versions ≥ 5.10. |
background | Color | Signal | Background color of the view component, or null for transparent. Signal support available in versions ≥ 5.10. |
description | String | The default text description for visualizations. The description determines the aria-label attribute for the container element of a Vega view. ≥ 5.10 |
padding | Number | Object | Signal | The padding in pixels to add around the visualization. If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an object, the value should have the format {"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5, "bottom": 5} . Signal support available in versions ≥ 5.10. |
width | Number | Signal | The width in pixels of the data rectangle. ≥ 5.10 |
height | Number | Signal | The height in pixels of the data rectangle. ≥ 5.10 |
group | Object | Default properties for the top-level group mark representing the data rectangle of a chart. Valid properties of this object are mark properties such as "fill" , "stroke" and "strokeWidth" . |
locale | Object | Locale definitions for string parsing and formatting of number and date values. The locale object should contain number and/or time properties with locale definitions. Locale definitions provided in the config block may be overridden by the View constructor locale option. ≥ 5.12 |
lineBreak | String | Signal | A delimiter, such as a newline character, upon which to break text strings into multiple lines. This property provides a global default for text marks, which is overridden by mark or style config settings, and by the lineBreak mark encoding channel. If signal-valued, either string or regular expression (regexp) values are valid. ≥ 5.10 |
Set default view background and chart plotting area background colors:
"background": "white",
"group": {
"fill": "#dedede"
Set the number and time format locale to German:
"locale": {
"number": {
"decimal": ",",
"thousands": ".",
"grouping": [3],
"currency": ["", " €"]
"time": {
"dateTime": "%A, der %e. %B %Y, %X",
"date": "%d.%m.%Y",
"time": "%H:%M:%S",
"periods": ["AM", "PM"],
"days": ["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"],
"shortDays": ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"],
"months": ["Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"],
"shortMonths": [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"]
Event Properties
Properties for event handling configuration, defined within an "events"
property block.
Property | Type | Description |
bind | String | Configuration control for binding input DOM elements to signals. The available options are "any" (default, all bindings are allowed), "container" (use only the view container DOM element for all bindings, suppressing per-binding selectors), and "none" (suppresses all input bindings). ≥ 5.5 |
defaults | Object | An object describing which events that originate within the Vega view should have their default behavior suppressed by invoking the event.preventDefault method. The defaults object should have a single property: either "prevent" (to indicate which events should have default behavior suppressed) or "allow" (to indicate only those events whose default behavior should be allowed). This property accepts either a boolean value (to prevent/allow all events) or an array of event type strings. |
globalCursor | Boolean | Configuration control for dynamic cursor setting. If false (default), the cursor is set for the Vega View element only. If true , the cursor is set globally for the entire document body. The default value of false avoids performance issues in browsers that recalculate styles in response to cursor changes. ≥ 5.13 |
selector | Boolean | String[ ] | Configuration control for event listeners for external sources specified using a CSS selector. If a boolean value, true (default) permits selector event listeners, false disallows all selector events. If a string array, the entries specify a list of event types (such as "mousemove" or "wheel" ) to allow. ≥ 5.5 |
timer | Boolean | Configuration control for event listeners for a "timer" source. One of true (default) to permit timer event listeners, or false to disallow timer events. ≥ 5.5 |
view | Boolean | String[ ] | Configuration control for event listeners for the Vega "view" source. If a boolean value, true (default) permits view event listeners, false disallows all view events. If a string array, the entries specify a list of event types (such as "mousemove" or "wheel" ) to allow. ≥ 5.5 |
window | Boolean | String[ ] | Configuration control for event listeners for the browser "window" source. If a boolean value, true (default) permits window event listeners, false disallows all window events. If a string array, the entries specify a list of event types (such as "mousemove" or "wheel" ) to allow. ≥ 5.5 |
To disable event listeners on external DOM elements specified by a CSS selector and permit only mousemove
and mouseup
events on the browser window
"events": {
"selector": false,
"window": ["mousemove", "mouseup"]
To prevent the default behavior for all events originating within a Vega view:
"events": {
"defaults": {
"prevent": true
To prevent the default behavior for all events originating within a Vega view, except for wheel
"events": {
"defaults": {
"allow": ["wheel"]
Mark Properties
Properties defining default property values for each mark type. These properties are defined within blocks with names matching a valid mark type (e.g., "area"
, "line"
, "rect"
). The valid properties within each block consist of the legal mark properties (e.g., "fill"
, "stroke"
, "size"
, "font"
). Global defaults for all mark types can be set using the "mark"
Important limitations:
- Defaults for fill or stroke color will be applied only if neither
are defined in the Vega spec. - Defaults set using the top-level
property will be overridden by any defaults defined for more specific mark types (e.g.,"rect"
). Vega’s built-in configuration includes default fill or stroke colors for a number of specific mark types, and these will take precedence over new fill or stroke colors set only on the top-level"mark"
To set a default fill color and size for symbol
"symbol": {
"fill": "steelblue",
"size": 64
To set a global opacity value for all mark types:
"mark": {
"opacity": 0.8
Style Properties
In addition to the default mark properties above, default values can be further customized using named styles defined under the style
in the config. Styles can then be invoked by including a style
directive within a mark definition.
For example, to set a default shape and stroke width for symbol marks with a style named "square"
"style": {
"square": {
"shape": "square",
"strokeWidth": 2
In addition to custom style
names, Vega includes the following built-in style names:
: styles for axis and legend labelsguide-title
: styles for axis and legend titlesgroup-title
: styles for chart and header titles
Style settings take precedence over default mark settings, but are overridden by the axis, legend, and title properties described below.
Axis Properties
Properties defining default settings for axes. These properties are defined under the "axis"
property in the config object, in which case the settings apply to all axes.
Additional property blocks can target more specific axis types based on the orientation ("axisX"
, "axisY"
, "axisLeft"
, "axisTop"
, etc.) or band scale type ("axisBand"
). For example, properties defined under the "axisBand"
property will only apply to axes visualizing "band"
scales. If multiple axis config blocks apply to a single axis, type-based options take precedence over orientation-based options, which in turn take precedence over general options.
Property | Type | Description |
bandPosition | Number | An interpolation fraction indicating where, for band scales, axis ticks should be positioned. A value of 0 places ticks at the left edge of their bands. A value of 0.5 places ticks in the middle of their bands. |
domain | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if axis domain line should be included by default. |
domainCap | String | The stroke cap for the axis domain line. One of "butt" (default), "round" or "square" . ≥ 5.11 |
domainColor | Color | Color of axis domain line. |
domainDash | Number[ ] | Stroke dash of axis domain lines (or [] for solid lines). ≥ 5.0 |
domainDashOffset | Number | The pixel offset at which to start the domain dash array. ≥ 5.0 |
domainOpacity | Number | Opacity of axis domain line. ≥ 4.1 |
domainWidth | Number | Stroke width of axis domain line. |
grid | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if axis grid lines should be included by default. |
gridCap | String | The stroke cap for axis grid lines. One of "butt" (default), "round" or "square" . ≥ 5.11 |
gridColor | Color | Color of axis grid lines. |
gridDash | Number[ ] | Stroke dash of axis grid lines (or [] for solid lines). |
gridDashOffset | Number | The pixel offset at which to start the grid dash array. ≥ 5.0 |
gridOpacity | Number | Opacity of axis grid lines. |
gridWidth | Number | Stroke width of axis grid lines. |
labels | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if axis tick labels should be included by default. |
labelAlign | String | Horizontal text alignment of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the axis orientation. |
labelAngle | Number | Angle in degrees of axis tick labels. |
labelBaseline | String | Vertical text baseline of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the axis orientation. |
labelBound | Boolean | Number | Boolean flag or pixel tolerance value for removal of labels that exceed the axis range. |
labelColor | Color | Text color of axis tick labels. |
labelFlush | Boolean | Number | Boolean flag or pixel distance threshold value for performing a “flush” layout of axis labels. For an x-axis, flush alignment will left-align the left-most labels (if within the distance threshold from the axis start) and similarly right-align the right-most labels. If true , a pixel tolerance of 1 is used. |
labelFlushOffset | Number | Offset in pixels for flush-adjusted labels (default 0 ). |
labelFont | String | Font name for axis tick labels. |
labelFontSize | Number | Font size of axis tick labels. |
labelFontStyle | String | Font style of axis tick labels (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.0 |
labelFontWeight | String | Number | Font weight of axis tick labels. |
labelLimit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of axis tick labels. |
labelLineHeight | Number | Line height in pixels for multi-line label text. ≥ 5.10 |
labelOffset | Number | Position offset in pixels to apply to labels, in addition to tickOffset. ≥ 5.10 |
labelOpacity | Number | Opacity of axis tick labels. ≥ 4.1 |
labelOverlap | Boolean | String | The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If false , no overlap reduction is attempted. If true or "parity" , a strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear axes). If "greedy" , a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes). |
labelSeparation | Number | The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be considered non-overlapping (default 0 ). This property is ignored if labelOverlap resolution is not enabled. ≥ 5.0 |
labelPadding | Number | Padding in pixels between axis ticks and tick labels. |
maxExtent | Number | The maximum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines a maximum offset value for axis titles. |
minExtent | Number | The minimum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines a minimum offset value for axis titles. |
ticks | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if axis tick marks should be included by default. |
tickBand | String | Indicates the type of tick style to use in conjunction with band scales. One of "center" (default) to center ticks in the middle of the band interval, or "extent" to place ticks at band extents (interval boundaries). If specified, this property may override the settings of bandPosition , tickExtra , and tickOffset . ≥ 5.8 |
tickCap | String | The stroke cap for axis tick marks. One of "butt" (default), "round" or "square" . ≥ 5.11 |
tickColor | Color | Color of axis ticks. |
tickDash | Number[ ] | Stroke dash of axis tick marks (or [] for solid lines). ≥ 5.0 |
tickDashOffset | Number | The pixel offset at which to start the tick mark dash array. ≥ 5.0 |
tickExtra | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if an extra axis tick should be added for the initial position of the axis. This flag is useful for styling axes for band scales such that ticks are placed on band boundaries rather in the middle of a band. Use in conjunction with "bandPosition": 1 and an axis "padding" value of 0 . |
tickOffset | Number | Position offset in pixels to apply to ticks, labels, and gridlines. |
tickOpacity | Number | Opacity of axis ticks. ≥ 4.1 |
tickRound | Boolean | Boolean flag indicating if pixel position values should be rounded to the nearest integer. |
tickSize | Number | Size, or length, in pixels of axis ticks. |
tickWidth | Number | Width in pixels of axis ticks. |
titleAlign | String | Horizontal text alignment of axis titles. One of "left" , "center" , or "right" . If specified, this value overrides automatic alignment based on the titleAnchor value. |
titleAnchor | String | The anchor position for placing axis titles. One of "start" , "middle" , "end" , or null (default, for automatic determination). For example, with an orient of "bottom" these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned title. The anchor point is determined relative to the axis scale range. ≥ 5.0 |
titleAngle | Number | Angle in degrees of axis titles. |
titleBaseline | String | Vertical text baseline for axis titles. |
titleColor | Color | Text color of axis titles. |
titleFont | String | Font name for axis titles. |
titleFontSize | Number | Font size of axis titles. |
titleFontStyle | String | Font style of axis titles (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.0 |
titleFontWeight | String | Number | Font weight of axis titles. |
titleLimit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of axis titles. |
titleLineHeight | Number | Line height in pixels for multi-line title text. ≥ 5.7 |
titleOpacity | Number | Opacity of axis titles. ≥ 4.1 |
titlePadding | Number | Padding in pixels between axis tick labels and titles. |
titleX | Number | X-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group. |
titleY | Number | Y-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group. |
translate | Number | Coordinate space translation offset for axis layout. By default, axes are translated by a 0.5 pixel offset for both the x and y coordinates, in order to align stroked lines with the pixel grid. However, for vector graphics output these pixel-specific adjustments may be undesirable, in which case translate can be changed (for example, to zero). ≥ 5.8 |
zindex | Number | The integer z-index indicating the layering of the axis group relative to other axis, mark, and legend groups. With a value of 0 axes and grid lines are drawn behind any marks defined in the same specification level. Higher values (1 ) cause axes and grid lines to be drawn on top of marks. ≥ 5.11 |
Axis Accessibility Properties
Accessibility properties are used to determine ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes when using Vega to render SVG output.
Property | Type | Description |
aria | Boolean | A boolean flag (default true ) indicating if ARIA attributes should be included (SVG output only). If false , the “aria-hidden” attribute will be set on the output SVG group, removing the axis from the ARIA accessibility tree. ≥ 5.11 |
description | String | A text description of this axis for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). If the aria property is true , for SVG output the “aria-label” attribute will be set to this description. If the description is unspecified it will be automatically generated. ≥ 5.11 |
This example sets the axis label color to dark gray for all axes, and rotates the labels for axes oriented along the bottom of a chart.
"axis": {
"labelColor": "#ccc"
"axisBottom": {
"labelAngle": -90
Legend Properties
Properties defining default settings for legends. These properties are defined under the "legend"
property within the config object.
Property | Type | Description |
clipHeight | Number | The height in pixels to clip symbol legend entries and limit their size. |
columns | Number | The number of columns in which to arrange symbol legend entries. A value of 0 or lower indicates a single row with one column per entry. |
columnPadding | Number | The horizontal padding in pixels between symbol legend entries. |
cornerRadius | Number | Corner radius for the full legend. |
fillColor | Color | Background fill color for the full legend. |
gradientDirection | String | The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical" ) for gradient legends. |
gradientLength | Number | The length in pixels of the primary axis of a color gradient. This value corresponds to the height of a vertical gradient or the width of a horizontal gradient. |
gradientThickness | Number | The thickness in pixels of the color gradient. This value corresponds to the width of a vertical gradient or the height of a horizontal gradient. |
gradientWidth | Number | Deprecated, use gradientLength instead. If gradientLength is not defined, this value will be used instead. |
gradientHeight | Number | Deprecated, use gradientThickness instead. If gradientThickness is not defined, this value will be used instead. |
gradientStrokeColor | Color | Stroke color for color ramp gradient borders. |
gradientStrokeWidth | Number | Stroke width for color ramp gradient borders. |
gradientLabelLimit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of color ramp gradient labels. |
gradientLabelOffset | Number | Vertical offset in pixels for color ramp gradient labels. |
gradientOpacity | Number | Opacity of color ramp gradient. ≥ 4.1 |
gridAlign | String | The alignment to apply to symbol legends rows and columns. The supported string values are all , each (the default), and none . For more information, see the grid layout documentation. |
labelAlign | String | Horizontal text alignment of legend labels. |
labelBaseline | String | Vertical text baseline of legend labels. |
labelColor | Color | Text color of legend labels. |
labelFont | String | Font name of legend labels. |
labelFontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of legend labels. |
labelFontStyle | String | Font style of legend labels (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.0 |
labelFontWeight | String | Number | Font weight of legend labels. |
labelLimit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of legend labels. |
labelOffset | Number | Horizontal offset in pixels between legend symbols and labels. |
labelOpacity | Number | Opacity of legend labels. ≥ 4.1 |
labelOverlap | Boolean | String | The strategy to use for resolving overlap of labels in gradient legends. If false , no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to true (default) or "parity" , a strategy of removing every other label is used. If set to "greedy" , a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any label that overlaps with the last visible label. |
labelSeparation | Number | The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be considered non-overlapping (default 0 ). This property is ignored if labelOverlap resolution is not enabled. ≥ 5.0 |
layout | Layout | An object specifying layout parameters for positioning a collection of legends with the same orient value. ≥ 5.0 |
legendX | Number | The pixel x-coordinate of the legend group. Only applied if the orient value is "none" . ≥ 5.4 |
legendY | Number | The pixel y-coordinate of the legend group. Only applied if the orient value is "none" . ≥ 5.4 |
offset | Number | Offset in pixels of the legend from the chart body. If specified, this value will override any values specified in the legend layout config. |
orient | String | Default legend orientation (e.g., "right" or "left" ). |
padding | Number | Padding in pixels between legend border and contents. |
rowPadding | Number | The vertical padding in pixels between symbol legend entries. |
strokeColor | Color | Border stroke color for the full legend. |
strokeDash | Number[ ] | Border stroke dash pattern for the full legend. |
strokeWidth | Number | Border stroke width for the full legend. |
symbolBaseFillColor | Color | Default fill color for legend symbols. Only applied if there is no "fill" scale color encoding for the legend. |
symbolBaseStrokeColor | Color | Default stroke color for legend symbols. Only applied if there is no "fill" scale color encoding for the legend. |
symbolDash | Number[ ] | Stroke dash of symbol outlines (or [] for solid lines). ≥ 5.0 |
symbolDashOffset | Number | The pixel offset at which to start the symbol dash array. ≥ 5.0 |
symbolDirection | String | The default direction ("horizontal" or "vertical" ) for symbol legends. |
symbolFillColor | Color | Fill color for legend symbols. |
symbolLimit | Number | The maximum number of allowed entries for a symbol legend. If the number of entries exceeds the limit, entries will be dropped and replaced with an ellipsis. ≥ 5.7 |
symbolOffset | Number | Horizontal pixel offset for legend symbols. |
symbolOpacity | Number | Opacity of legend symbols. ≥ 4.1 |
symbolSize | Number | Default symbol area size (in pixels2). |
symbolStrokeColor | Color | Stroke color for legend symbols. |
symbolStrokeWidth | Number | Default legend symbol stroke width. |
symbolType | String | Default shape type (such as "circle" ) for legend symbols. |
tickCount | Number | String | Object | The desired number of tick values for quantitative legends. For scales of type time or utc , the tick count can instead be a time interval specifier. Legal string values are "millisecond" , "second" , "minute" , "hour" , "day" , "week" , "month" , and "year" . Alternatively, an object-valued interval specifier of the form {"interval": "month", "step": 3} includes a desired number of interval steps. Here, ticks are generated for each quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) boundary. ≥ 5.7 |
titleAlign | String | Horizontal text alignment of legend titles. One of "left" , "center" , or "right" . If specified, this value overrides automatic alignment based on the titleOrient and titleAnchor values. |
titleAnchor | String | The anchor position for placing legend titles. One of "start" , "middle" , "end" , or null (default, for automatic determination). For example, with a titleOrient of "top" these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned title relative to the legend contents. ≥ 5.0 |
titleBaseline | String | Vertical text baseline of legend titles. If specified, this value overrides the automatic baseline based on the titleOrient and titleAnchor values. |
titleColor | Color | Text color of legend titles. |
titleFont | String | Font name of legend titles. |
titleFontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of legend titles. |
titleFontStyle | String | Font style of legend titles (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.0 |
titleFontWeight | String | Number | Font weight for legend titles. |
titleLimit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of legend titles. |
titleLineHeight | Number | Line height in pixels for multi-line title text. ≥ 5.7 |
titleOpacity | Number | Opacity of legend titles. ≥ 4.1 |
titleOrient | String | The orientation of title legends, determining where they are placed relative to legend contents. One of "top" (default), "left" , "bottom" , or "right" . ≥ 5.0 |
titlePadding | Number | Padding in pixels between the legend title and entries. |
zindex | Number | The integer z-index indicating the layering of the legend group relative to other axis, mark, and legend groups. ≥ 5.11 |
Legend Accessibility Properties
Accessibility properties are used to determine ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes when using Vega to render SVG output.
Property | Type | Description |
aria | Boolean | A boolean flag (default true ) indicating if ARIA attributes should be included (SVG output only). If false , the “aria-hidden” attribute will be set on the output SVG group, removing the legend from the ARIA accessibility tree. ≥ 5.11 |
description | String | A text description of this legend for ARIA accessibility (SVG output only). If the aria property is true , for SVG output the “aria-label” attribute will be set to this description. If the description is unspecified it will be automatically generated. ≥ 5.11 |
Legend Layout Properties ≥ 5.0
Collections of legends with the same orient value are positioned together, either vertically or horizontally in sequence. The legend layout property enables customization of how legends are organized within a Vega view. The layout property is an object value that may contain both top-level properties that apply to all legends and a set of orient-specific properties for customizing specific legend orientations.
Property | Type | Description |
anchor | String | An anchor value determining the placement of the legends relative to the nearest axis. One of "start" (default), "middle" , or "end" . For example, for legends with orient "top" , these values respectively correspond to anchoring the legends to the left edge, center, or right edge of the charting area. This property only applies to axes with an orient value of "left" , "right" , "top" , or "bottom" . |
bounds | String | The type of bounding box calculation to use for calculating legend extents. One of "flush" (the default, for using legend width and height values only) or "full" (to use the full bounding box, for example including border stroke widths). |
center | Boolean | A boolean flag (default false ) indicating if legends should be centered within the respective layout area. For example, given a vertical direction, two legends will share a left edge by default. If center is true, the smaller legends will be centered in the space spanned by all the legends. |
direction | String | The direction in which subsequent legends should be spatially positioned. One of "horizontal" or "vertical" . |
margin | Number | Margin, in pixels, to place between consecutive legends with the same orient value. |
offset | Number | Offset, in pixels, of the legend from the chart body. |
In addition to these top-level properties, the legend layout may include sub-objects (containing the same properties listed above) for any of the legal legend orient values other than "none"
: "left"
, "right"
, "top"
, "bottom"
, "top-left"
, "top-right"
, "bottom-left"
, "bottom-right"
Note: The default configuration includes legend layout entries for "left"
and "right"
orientations. If you add custom layout parameters at the top-level, these will not override more specific configurations. If you want to modify the layout of "left"
- or "right"
-oriented legends, use a specific sub-object targeting those orientations.
This example gives every legend a 10 pixel padding and a light gray border:
"legend": {
"padding": 10,
"legendStrokeColor": "#ccc",
"legendStrokeWidth": 1
This example customizes the layout of legends with orient value "bottom"
, stacking those legends vertically with 2 pixel margins, anchoring their x-positon to the middle of the chart area, and centering the legends within their layout area:
"legend": {
"layout": {
"bottom": {
"anchor": "middle",
"direction": "vertical",
"center": true,
"margin": 2,
Title Properties
Properties defining default settings for titles. These properties are defined under the "title"
property within the config object.
Property | Type | Description |
align | String | Horizontal text alignment of the title and subtitle. If specified, this value overrides automatic alignment based on the anchor value. |
anchor | String | Title and subtitle anchor position ("start" , "middle" , or "end" ). |
angle | Number | Angle in degrees of the title and subtitle text. |
baseline | String | Vertical text baseline of the title and subtitle. |
color | Color | Text color of the title text. |
dx | Number | Horizontal offset added to the title and subtitle x-coordinate. ≥ 5.2 |
dy | Number | Vertical offset added to the title and subtitle y-coordinate. ≥ 5.2 |
font | String | Font name of the title text. |
fontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of the title text. |
fontStyle | String | Font style of the title text (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.0 |
fontWeight | String | Number | Font weight for title text. |
frame | String | The reference frame for the anchor position, one of "bounds" (to anchor relative to the full bounding box) or "group" (to anchor relative to the group width or height). |
limit | Number | The maximum allowed length in pixels of title and subtitle text. |
lineHeight | Number | Line height in pixels for multi-line title text. ≥ 5.7 |
offset | Number | Offset in pixels of the title from the chart body and axes. |
orient | String | Default title orientation ("top" , "bottom" , "left" , or "right" ). |
subtitleColor | Color | Text color of the subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
subtitleFont | String | Font name of the subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
subtitleFontSize | Number | Font size in pixels of the subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
subtitleFontStyle | String | Font style of the subtitle text (e.g., normal or italic ). ≥ 5.7 |
subtitleFontWeight | String | Number | Font weight for subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
subtitleLineHeight | Number | Line height in pixels for multi-line subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
subtitlePadding | Number | Padding in pixels between title and subtitle text. ≥ 5.7 |
zindex | Number | The integer z-index indicating the layering of the title group relative to other axis, mark, and legend groups. ≥ 5.11 |
Title Accessibility Properties
Accessibility properties are used to determine ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes when using Vega to render SVG output.
Property | Type | Description |
aria | Boolean | A boolean flag (default true ) indicating if ARIA attributes should be included (SVG output only). If false , the “aria-hidden” attribute will be set on the output SVG group, removing the title from the ARIA accessibility tree. ≥ 5.11 |
This example gives every title a 10 pixel offset and a font size of 18 pixels.
"title": {
"offset": 10,
"fontSize": 18
Projection Properties
Default properties to apply to cartographic projections, if not explicitly included in the input JSON specification. Any legal projection property may be included. These properties are defined under the "projection"
property in the config object. A common use for this property is to set a default projection type.
This example sets the default projection type to be an "equalEarth"
"projection": {
"type": "equalEarth"
Scale Range Properties
Properties defining named range arrays that can be used within scale range definitions (such as {"type": "ordinal", "range": "category"}
). These properties are defined under the "range"
property in the config object.
Object-valued properties must be legal scale range definitions.
Property | Type | Description |
category | Scheme | Color[ ] | Default color scheme for categorical data. |
diverging | Scheme | Color[ ] | Default color scheme for diverging quantitative ramps. |
heatmap | Scheme | Color[ ] | Default color scheme for quantitative heatmaps. |
ordinal | Scheme | Color[ ] | Default color scheme for rank-ordered data. |
ramp | Scheme | Color[ ] | Default color scheme for sequential quantitative ramps. |
symbol | String[ ] | Array of symbol names or paths for the default shape palette. |
This example sets new default color palettes.
"range": {
"category": [
"ordinal": {"scheme": "greens"},
"ramp": {"scheme": "purples"}
Signal Definitions ≥ 5.5
Configuration files may also contain signal definitions for the top-level scope of a Vega specification. The syntax is identical to standard signal definitions: an array of named signal objects. Adding signal definitions to a configuration can be useful for defining style variables (colors, font sizes, etc.) that may be used elsewhere within either the config or a spec itself. Signals directly defined within a specification itself take precedence over those defined in the configuration.
To enable dynamic scaling of font sizes, one can define a signal that for a font size scale factor, then define other config entries relative to this value:
"signals": [
{"name": "fontSizeScale", "value": 1}
"text": {
"fontSize": {"signal": "11 * fontSizeScale"}