This website is for Vega-Lite v4. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.


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Band properties can be used to adjust mark bandwidth or position for band scales, bin intervals, or time unit intervals.

Property Type Description
band Number

For rect-based marks (rect, bar, and image), mark size relative to bandwidth of band scales, bins or time units. If set to 1, the mark size is set to the bandwidth, the bin interval, or the time unit interval. If set to 0.5, the mark size is half of the bandwidth or the time unit interval.

For other marks, relative position on a band of a stacked, binned, time unit or band scale. If set to 0, the marks will be positioned at the beginning of the band. If set to 0.5, the marks will be positioned in the middle of the band.


Line Position

By default, points in line marks are placed at the beginning of a time interval (e.g., “month”):

Setting band to 0.5 moves the points to the middle of the time interval.