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Headers provide a title and labels for faceted plots. A header’s title describes the field that is used to facet the plot, while a header’s labels describe that field’s value for each subplot.

By default, Vega-Lite automatically creates headers with default properties for row and column channels of a faceted view. User can set the header property of row- or column-field definition to an object to customize header properties.

In addition to the header property of a row- or column-field definition, users can also set default header properties for all headers with the configuration object’s (config) header configuration (config: {header: {...}}).

Documentation Overview

Header Properties

// A Single View or a Layer Specification
  "mark/layer": ...,
  "encoding": {
    "row": {
      "field": ...,
      "type": ...,
      "header": {...}, // Header
    "x": ...,
    "y": ...,
// A Facet Specification
  "facet": {
    "row/column": {
      "field": ...,
      "type": ...,
      "header": {...}, // Header
  "spec": ...

To customize header, a header definiton in row- or column-field definitions can contain the following groups of properties:


Property Type Description
title String | Null

A title for the field. If null, the title will be removed.

Default value: derived from the field’s name and transformation function (aggregate, bin and timeUnit). If the field has an aggregate function, the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., "Sum of Profit"). If the field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in parentheses (e.g., "Profit (binned)", "Transaction Date (year-month)"). Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.


1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the fieldTitle property in the config or fieldTitle function via the compile function’s options.

2) If both field definition’s title and axis, header, or legend title are defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.

See also: You may also use guide-title and guide-label style configs to customize common styles for axis, legend, and header labels and titles.


Property Type Description
format String

The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text marks.

See the format documentation for more examples.

Default value: Derived from numberFormat config for number format and from timeFormat config for time format.

formatType String

The format type for labels ("number" or "time").

Default value:

  • "time" for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with timeUnit.
  • "number" for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without timeUnit.
labelAlign String

Horizontal text alignment of header labels.

labelAnchor TitleAnchor

The anchor position for placing the labels. One of "start", "middle", or "end". For example, with a label orientation of top these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned label.

labelAngle Number

The rotation angle of the header labels.

Default value: 0 for column header, -90 for row header.

labelColor Color

The color of the header label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.

labelFont String

The font of the header label.

labelFontSize Number

The font size of the header label, in pixels.

labelFontStyle FontStyle

The font style of the header label.

labelLimit Number

The maximum length of the header label in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

Default value: 0, indicating no limit

labelOrient String

The orientation of the header label. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".

labelPadding Number

The padding, in pixel, between facet header’s label and the plot.

Default value: 10


Property Type Description
titleAlign String

Horizontal text alignment (to the anchor) of header titles.

titleAnchor TitleAnchor

The anchor position for placing the title. One of "start", "middle", or "end". For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned title.

titleAngle Number

The rotation angle of the header title.

Default value: 0.

titleBaseline String

Vertical text baseline for the header title. One of "top", "bottom", "middle".

Default value: "middle"

titleColor Color

Color of the header title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.

titleFont String

Font of the header title. (e.g., "Helvetica Neue").

titleFontWeight String | Number

Font weight of the header title. This can be either a string (e.g "bold", "normal") or a number (100, 200, 300, …, 900 where "normal" = 400 and "bold" = 700).

titleFontSize Number

Font size of the header title.

titleFontStyle FontStyle

The font style of the header title.

titleLimit Number

The maximum length of the header title in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.

Default value: 0, indicating no limit

titleOrient String

The orientation of the header title. One of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right".

titlePadding Number

The padding, in pixel, between facet header’s title and the label.

Default value: 10


This example uses header properties to change the font size of this faceted plot’s title and labels.

Header Config

// Top-level View Specification
  "config": {
    "header": {...},               // Header
    "headerRow": {...},
    "headerColumn": {...},
    "headerFacet": {...},

The header property of the top-level config object sets the default properties for all headers. If header properties are set in row-, column-, or facet-field definitions, these configuration values will be overridden. Additional property blocks can target more specific header types based on types of facet channels ("headerRow", "headerColumn", "headerFacet").

The header configuration can contain any header properties.