Warming Stripes

Warming stripes (sometimes referred to as climate stripes, climate timelines or stripe graphics) are data visualization graphics that use a series of coloured stripes chronologically ordered to visually portray long-term temperature trends. Warming stripes reflect a “minimalist” style, conceived to use colour alone to avoid technical distractions to intuitively convey global warming trends to non-scientists. Wikipedia: Warming stripes

Originaly designed by Wikipedia: Ed Hawkins (climatologist).

This Vega example made by Andrzej Leszkiewicz @avatorl

This implementation of the warming stripes chart has a legend. And the chart is interactive: hover over a color stripe to highlight the stripe. The tick on the left side of the legend shows temperature for the selected stripe (year) or 0°C if cursor is not on the stipres.

Vega JSON Specification <>

  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
  "description": "Warming Stripes Chart. Originally designed by Ed Hawkins.",
  "usermeta": {
    "Author": "Andrzej Leszkiewicz",
    "Github": "https://github.com/avatorl/Deneb-Vega/",
    "License": "CC BY 4.0 (Share and Adapt with Attribution)",
    "Original Idea Author": "Ed Hawkins",
    "Original Idea URL": "https://www.climate-lab-book.ac.uk/2018/warming-stripes/",
    "Read More URL": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warming_stripes",
    "Data Source URL": "https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/"
  "background": "white",
  "width": 650,
  "height": 200,
  "padding": 10,
  "autosize": "pad",
  "config": {},
  "signals": [
    {"name": "fontMain", "value": "Tahoma"},
    {"name": "labelColor", "value": "#808080"},
    {"name": "labelDataSrcColor", "value": "#CCCCCC"},
    {"name": "basePeriodColor", "value": "black"},
    {"name": "titleFontSize", "value": "16"},
    {"name": "labelFontSizeMajor", "value": "20"},
    {"name": "labelFontSizeMinor", "value": "14"},
    {"name": "legendFontSize", "value": "12"},
    {"name": "labelDataSrcFontSize", "value": "12"},
    {"name": "basePeriodS", "value": "1951"},
    {"name": "basePeriodE", "value": "1980"},
      "name": "selectedStripeTemp",
      "description": "Temperature in the selected year (stripe). To dispaly as a tick on the legend.",
      "value": "0",
      "on": [
        {"events": "@stripe:pointerover", "update": "datum.temp"},
        {"events": "@stripe:pointerout", "update": "0"}
  "data": [
      "name": "dataset",
      "url": "data/global-temp.csv",
      "format": {"type": "csv", "parse": "auto", "delimiter": ","}
  "scales": [
      "name": "scaleX",
      "type": "linear",
      "domain": {"data": "dataset", "field": "year"},
      "range": [0, {"signal": "width"}],
      "zero": false
      "name": "scaleY",
      "type": "point",
      "domain": [1],
      "range": [0, {"signal": "height"}]
      "name": "scaleYForLegendTick",
      "type": "linear",
      "domain": {"data": "dataset", "field": "temp"},
      "range": [0, {"signal": "height"}],
      "zero": false,
      "reverse": true
      "name": "colorHawkins",
      "type": "linear",
      "range": {
        "scheme": [
      "domain": {"data": "dataset", "field": "temp"},
      "reverse": true,
      "domainMid": 0
  "title": {
    "text": {
      "signal": "'Global Temperature in 1880-2021 (compared to '+ basePeriodS+'-'+basePeriodE+' average)'"
    "anchor": "start",
    "font": {"signal": "fontMain"},
    "fontSize": {"signal": "titleFontSize"},
    "fontWeight": "lighter",
    "subtitle": "Reproduction of 'warming stripes' chart originally designed by Ed Hawkins",
    "subtitlePadding": 5
  "axes": [
      "scale": "scaleX",
      "orient": "bottom",
      "domain": false,
      "tickCount": {"signal": "5"},
      "labelColor": {"signal": "labelColor"},
      "format": ".4",
      "encode": {
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              "signal": "(datum.value==1900||datum.value==2000)?labelFontSizeMajor:labelFontSizeMinor"
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      "tickCount": {"signal": "length(data('dataset'))"},
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      "format": ".4",
      "encode": {
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              "signal": "(datum.value==basePeriodS||datum.value==basePeriodE)?labelFontSizeMinor:0"
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          "update": {
            "x": {"scale": "scaleX", "signal": "basePeriodS"},
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              "signal": "(datum.value>0?'+':datum.value==0?'':'')+datum.label"
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      "name": "stripe",
      "type": "rect",
      "interactive": true,
      "from": {"data": "dataset"},
      "encode": {
        "update": {
          "fill": {"scale": "colorHawkins", "field": "temp"},
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            "signal": "datum.year+': '+(datum.temp>0?'+':'')+datum.temp+'°C'"
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