Radial Tree Layout Example
A node-link tree diagram of classes in a software package hierarchy, positioned in polar coordinates using Vega’s tree transform. Adjust the parameters to see layouts suitable for general trees or cluster dendrograms.
Vega JSON Specification <>
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json",
"description": "An example of a radial layout for a node-link diagram of hierarchical data.",
"width": 720,
"height": 720,
"padding": 5,
"autosize": "none",
"signals": [
"name": "labels", "value": true,
"bind": {"input": "checkbox"}
"name": "radius", "value": 280,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 20, "max": 600}
"name": "extent", "value": 360,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 360, "step": 1}
"name": "rotate", "value": 0,
"bind": {"input": "range", "min": 0, "max": 360, "step": 1}
"name": "layout", "value": "tidy",
"bind": {"input": "radio", "options": ["tidy", "cluster"]}
"name": "links", "value": "line",
"bind": {
"input": "select",
"options": ["line", "curve", "diagonal", "orthogonal"]
{ "name": "originX", "update": "width / 2" },
{ "name": "originY", "update": "height / 2" }
"data": [
"name": "tree",
"url": "data/flare.json",
"transform": [
"type": "stratify",
"key": "id",
"parentKey": "parent"
"type": "tree",
"method": {"signal": "layout"},
"size": [1, {"signal": "radius"}],
"as": ["alpha", "radius", "depth", "children"]
"type": "formula",
"expr": "(rotate + extent * datum.alpha + 270) % 360",
"as": "angle"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "PI * datum.angle / 180",
"as": "radians"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "inrange(datum.angle, [90, 270])",
"as": "leftside"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "originX + datum.radius * cos(datum.radians)",
"as": "x"
"type": "formula",
"expr": "originY + datum.radius * sin(datum.radians)",
"as": "y"
"name": "links",
"source": "tree",
"transform": [
{ "type": "treelinks" },
"type": "linkpath",
"shape": {"signal": "links"}, "orient": "radial",
"sourceX": "source.radians", "sourceY": "source.radius",
"targetX": "target.radians", "targetY": "target.radius"
"scales": [
"name": "color",
"type": "linear",
"range": {"scheme": "magma"},
"domain": {"data": "tree", "field": "depth"},
"zero": true
"marks": [
"type": "path",
"from": {"data": "links"},
"encode": {
"update": {
"x": {"signal": "originX"},
"y": {"signal": "originY"},
"path": {"field": "path"},
"stroke": {"value": "#ccc"}
"type": "symbol",
"from": {"data": "tree"},
"encode": {
"enter": {
"size": {"value": 100},
"stroke": {"value": "#fff"}
"update": {
"x": {"field": "x"},
"y": {"field": "y"},
"fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "depth"}
"type": "text",
"from": {"data": "tree"},
"encode": {
"enter": {
"text": {"field": "name"},
"fontSize": {"value": 9},
"baseline": {"value": "middle"}
"update": {
"x": {"field": "x"},
"y": {"field": "y"},
"dx": {"signal": "(datum.leftside ? -1 : 1) * 6"},
"angle": {"signal": "datum.leftside ? datum.angle - 180 : datum.angle"},
"align": {"signal": "datum.leftside ? 'right' : 'left'"},
"opacity": {"signal": "labels ? 1 : 0"}