This website is for Vega-Lite v3. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.

Wheat and Wages Example

A recreation of William Playfair’s classic chart visualizing the price of wheat, the wages of a mechanic, and the reigning British monarch. Based on a chart by @manzt.

View this example in the online editor

Vega-Lite JSON Specification

  "$schema": "",
  "width": 900,
  "height": 400,
  "data": { "url": "data/wheat.json"},
  "transform": [{"calculate": "+datum.year + 5", "as": "year_end"}],
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      "mark": {
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            "tickCount": 5,
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          "field": "wheat",
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      "data": {
        "values": [
          { "year": "1600" },
          { "year": "1650" },
          { "year": "1700" },
          { "year": "1750" },
          { "year": "1800" }
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