This website is for Vega-Lite v3. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.

Repeat and layer to show different weather measures

Summarized and per year weather information for Seatle and New York.

View this example in the online editor

Vega-Lite JSON Specification

  "$schema": "",
  "description": "Summarized and per year weather information for Seatle and New York.",
  "data": {"url": "data/weather.csv"},
  "repeat": {"column": ["temp_max", "precipitation", "wind"]},
  "spec": {
    "layer": [
        "mark": "line",
        "encoding": {
          "y": {
            "aggregate": "mean",
            "field": {"repeat": "column"},
            "type": "quantitative"
          "x": {
            "timeUnit": "month",
            "field": "date",
            "type": "ordinal"
          "detail": {
            "timeUnit": "year",
            "type": "temporal",
            "field": "date"
          "color": {"type": "nominal", "field": "location"},
          "opacity": {"value": 0.2}
        "mark": "line",
        "encoding": {
          "y": {
            "aggregate": "mean",
            "field": {"repeat": "column"},
            "type": "quantitative"
          "x": {
            "timeUnit": "month",
            "field": "date",
            "type": "ordinal"
          "color": {"type": "nominal", "field": "location"}