This website is for Vega-Lite v3. Go to the main Vega-Lite homepage for the latest release.

Isotype Bar Chart

Inspired by this Only An Ocean Between, 1943. Population Live Stock, p.13. This example was created by @jwoLondon

View this example in the online editor

Vega-Lite JSON Specification

  "$schema": "",
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  "width": 800,
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  "data": {
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      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "cattle", "col": 3},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "cattle", "col": 2},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "cattle", "col": 1},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "pigs", "col": 2},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "pigs", "col": 1},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 10},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 9},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 8},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 7},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 6},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 5},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 4},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 3},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 2},
      {"country": "Great Britain", "animal": "sheep", "col": 1},
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