

Specify the yError encoding channel.

yError Method Overview

yError API Reference

# yError.aggregate(value)

Aggregation function for the field (e.g., "mean", "sum", "median", "min", "max", "count").

Default value: undefined (None)

See also: aggregate documentation.

# yError.argmax(field)

Apply the argmax aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.argmin(field)

Apply the argmin aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.average(field)

Apply the average aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.bandPosition(value)

Relative position on a band of a stacked, binned, time unit, or band scale. For example, the marks will be positioned at the beginning of the band if set to 0, and at the middle of the band if set to 0.5.

# yError.bin(value)

A flag for binning a quantitative field, an object defining binning parameters, or indicating that the data for x or y channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite ("binned").

Default value: false

See also: bin documentation.

# yError.ci0(field)

Apply the ci0 aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.ci1(field)

Apply the ci1 aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.count()

Apply the count aggregate operation prior to encoding.


Apply the date timeUnit operation prior to encoding.


Apply the day timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.distinct(field)

Apply the distinct aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.field(value)

Required. A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data value or an object defining iterated values from the repeat operator.

See also: field documentation.

Notes: 1) Dots (.) and brackets ([ and ]) can be used to access nested objects (e.g., "field": "" and "field": "foo['bar']"). If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use \\ to escape dots and brackets (e.g., "a\\.b" and "a\\[0\\]"). See more details about escaping in the field documentation. 2) field is not required if aggregate is count.

# yError.fieldN(field)

Encode the field as a nominal data type.

# yError.fieldO(field)

Encode the field as an ordinal data type.

# yError.fieldQ(field)

Encode the field as a quantitative data type.

# yError.fieldT(field)

Encode the field as a temporal data type.

# yError.hours(field)

Apply the hours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.if(…condition)

Perform a conditional encoding. If the provided condition (first argument) evaluates to true, apply the provided encoding (second argument).

# yError.max(field)

Apply the max aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.mean(field)

Apply the mean aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.median(field)

Apply the median aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.milliseconds(field)

Apply the milliseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.min(field)

Apply the min aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.minutes(field)

Apply the minutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.missing(field)

Apply the missing aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.month(field)

Apply the month timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.product(field)

Apply the product aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.q1(field)

Apply the q1 aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.q3(field)

Apply the q3 aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.quarter(field)

Apply the quarter timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.seconds(field)

Apply the seconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.stderr(field)

Apply the stderr aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.stdev(field)

Apply the stdev aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.stdevp(field)

Apply the stdevp aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.sum(field)

Apply the sum aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeHM(field)

Apply the hoursminutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeHMS(field)

Apply the hoursminutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeMD(field)

Apply the monthdate timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeMDH(field)

Apply the monthdatehours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeMS(field)

Apply the minutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeQM(field)

Apply the quartermonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeSMS(field)

Apply the secondsmilliseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeUnit(value)

Time unit (e.g., year, yearmonth, month, hours) for a temporal field. or a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal.

Default value: undefined (None)

See also: timeUnit documentation.

# yError.timeYM(field)

Apply the yearmonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYMD(field)

Apply the yearmonthdate timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYMDH(field)

Apply the yearmonthdatehours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYMDHM(field)

Apply the yearmonthdatehoursminutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYMDHMS(field)

Apply the yearmonthdatehoursminutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYQ(field)

Apply the yearquarter timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.timeYQM(field)

Apply the yearquartermonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.title(value)

A title for the field. If null, the title will be removed.

Default value: derived from the field’s name and transformation function (aggregate, bin and timeUnit). If the field has an aggregate function, the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., "Sum of Profit"). If the field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in parentheses (e.g., "Profit (binned)", "Transaction Date (year-month)"). Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.


1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the fieldTitle property in the config or fieldTitle function via the compile function’s options.

2) If both field definition’s title and axis, header, or legend title are defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.

# yError.utcHM(field)

Apply the utchoursminutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcHMS(field)

Apply the utchoursminutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcMD(field)

Apply the utcmonthdate timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcMDH(field)

Apply the utcmonthdatehours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcMS(field)

Apply the utcminutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcQM(field)

Apply the utcquartermonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcSMS(field)

Apply the utcsecondsmilliseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYM(field)

Apply the utcyearmonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYMD(field)

Apply the utcyearmonthdate timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYMDH(field)

Apply the utcyearmonthdatehours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYMDHM(field)

Apply the utcyearmonthdatehoursminutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYMDHMS(field)

Apply the utcyearmonthdatehoursminutesseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYQ(field)

Apply the utcyearquarter timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcYQM(field)

Apply the utcyearquartermonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcdate(field)

Apply the utcdate timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcday(field)

Apply the utcday timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utchours(field)

Apply the utchours timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcmilliseconds(field)

Apply the utcmilliseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcminutes(field)

Apply the utcminutes timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcmonth(field)

Apply the utcmonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcquarter(field)

Apply the utcquarter timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcseconds(field)

Apply the utcseconds timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcyear(field)

Apply the utcyear timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.utcyearmonth(field)

Apply the utcyearmonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.valid(field)

Apply the valid aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.value(value)

A constant value in visual domain (e.g., "red" / "#0099ff" / gradient definition for color, values between 0 to 1 for opacity).

# yError.variance(field)

Apply the variance aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.variancep(field)

Apply the variancep aggregate operation prior to encoding.

# yError.year(field)

Apply the year timeUnit operation prior to encoding.

# yError.yearmonth(field)

Apply the yearmonth timeUnit operation prior to encoding.