
vl.utcSMS(field, as)

A time unit operation for utcsecondsmilliseconds.

utcSMS Method Overview

utcSMS API Reference


The output field to write the timeUnit value.

# utcSMS.equals(equal)

Logical equals (==) comparison.

# utcSMS.field(value)

The data field to apply time unit.


Logical greater than (>) comparison.

# utcSMS.gte(gte)

Logical greater than or equal to (>=) comparison.

# utcSMS.inRange(…range)

Logical value in range test.


Logical less than (<) comparison.

# utcSMS.lte(lte)

Logical less than or equal to (<=) comparison.

# utcSMS.oneOf(…oneOf)

Logical set membership test.

# utcSMS.timeUnit(value)

The timeUnit.

# utcSMS.valid(valid)

Logical valid value test.