

Calculate sample quantile values for input data.

quantile Method Overview

quantile API Reference


The output field names for the probability and quantile values.

Default value: ["prob", "value"]

# quantile.groupby(…value)

The data fields to group by. If not specified, a single group containing all data objects will be used.

# quantile.probs(…value)

An array of probabilities in the range (0, 1) for which to compute quantile values. If not specified, the step parameter will be used.

# quantile.quantile(value)

The data field for which to perform quantile estimation.

# quantile.step(value)

A probability step size (default 0.01) for sampling quantile values. All values from one-half the step size up to 1 (exclusive) will be sampled. This parameter is only used if the probs parameter is not provided.