

Define a graticule data generator.

graticule Method Overview

graticule API Reference

# graticule.extent(…value)

Sets both the major and minor extents to the same values.

# graticule.extentMajor(…value)

The major extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates.

# graticule.extentMinor(…value)

The minor extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates.

# graticule.precision(value)

The precision of the graticule in degrees.

Default value: 2.5

# graticule.step(…value)

Sets both the major and minor step angles to the same values.

# graticule.stepMajor(…value)

The major step angles of the graticule.

Default value: [90, 360]

# graticule.stepMinor(…value)

The minor step angles of the graticule.

Default value: [10, 10]