

A reference to a data field.

field Method Overview

field API Reference

# field.equals(equal)

Logical equals (==) comparison.


Logical greater than (>) comparison.

# field.gte(gte)

Logical greater than or equal to (>=) comparison.

# field.inRange(…range)

Logical value in range test.


Logical less than (<) comparison.

# field.lte(lte)

Logical less than or equal to (<=) comparison.

# field.oneOf(…oneOf)

Logical set membership test.

# field.order(order)

Indicates the sort order. One of "ascending" or "descending". Only applicable if the field is being used as a sort parameter.

# field.type(type)

The data type of the field. One of "nominal", "ordinal", "quantitative", or "temporal".

# field.valid(valid)

Logical valid value test.