

Configure point selections.

configPoint Method Overview

configPoint API Reference

# configPoint.clear(value)

Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. This property can be a Event Stream or false to disable clear.

Default value: dblclick.

See also: clear examples in the documentation.

# configPoint.encodings(…value)

An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.

See also: The projection with encodings and fields section in the documentation.

# configPoint.fields(…value)

An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.

See also: The projection with encodings and fields section in the documentation.

# configPoint.nearest(value)

When true, an invisible voronoi diagram is computed to accelerate discrete selection. The data value nearest the mouse cursor is added to the selection.

Default value: false, which means that data values must be interacted with directly (e.g., clicked on) to be added to the selection.

See also: nearest examples documentation.

# configPoint.on(value)

A Vega event stream (object or selector) that triggers the selection. For interval selections, the event stream must specify a start and end.

See also: on examples in the documentation.

# configPoint.resolve(value)

With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how selections’ data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform, conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.

One of:

Default value: global.

See also: resolve examples in the documentation.

# configPoint.toggle(value)

Controls whether data values should be toggled (inserted or removed from a point selection) or only ever inserted into point selections.

One of:

Default value: true

See also: toggle examples in the documentation.

# configPoint.type(value)

Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite currently supports two selection types: